December 19, 2015

Family Constellations #II


In my new series “family Constellations”, I look closely at the different relations between humans that live in close relation – or partnership with each other. It´s family. A structure that is so natural that we find easily our spot, depending on the people of the surrounding.

Middle-aged people are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters and mothers and fathers at the same time. So everything and sometimes also non of it for real. Aren´t humans a big family, that need each other? At least that is what I believe, but of course, we select the ones we want to spend our lives withMy second shot of this series comes from Tel Aviv, where Shermin Langhoff brings me together with her old friend Shachar, a light designer who lives in Tel Aviv and tells us about his girlfriend Caroline, who´s a dancer, from France and pregnant in the 8th month.  Before we meet, he describes her as 1,70 m of “French superpowers”. At their beautiful home I got a chance to make my own picture – and this is what I found.



After they got undressed in their living room and we made those shots, Shermin Langhoff and me copied their composition.

Looking back now, it does´t seem like a coincidence. We all want to be connected with beloved people. Shermin and I work since 5 years together and became friends naturally – and she feels sometimes like my bigger sister… thanks to Caroline, Shachar and of course Shermin.


